We have faculties of both reason and faith which are not antagonistic. Faith begets a Hope which may at times prompt us to act in ways that seem to undermine bloodless reason. But a faith completely unemcumbered, freed from the necessity of and for reason risks idolatry, inhospitability and inhumanity, and likewise for a reason which fails to acknowledge its indebtedness and continued dependence on the generous germ that is embodied in the grace-fullness of faith. Independent reason alone cannot give rise to Hope, it can however give force and direction to purpose, but purpose itself is a child of Hope.
One of the most important lessons that those who are positioned as impoverished, marginalized, oppressed, the liminal, les damnes, have taught me is the value of patience. To be patient is not to be idle, but to work with joy towards a hope that is made more manifest and meaningful moment by moment. In this and other issues I will be patient as I and others continue to advocate in faith for a better, more hospitable, Trinidad and Tobago, for all, every creed and race, via reason.
Special issue on early childhood mathematics teaching and learning
Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik had a special issue on early childhood
mathematics teaching and learning in their latest issue. In addition to the
12 years ago
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